Opinions on Composite Props? - composite boat props
I'm considering buying a composite prop for my boat, but they have no experience with these materials, or not spoken. They claim that much easier, and have the ability to decompose, rather than hurt the unit if the proposed strike happens. My question is, is lighter, the better for a prop? I've always had great experiences with heavier materials, stainless steel, but prices are three to four times higher than what you can along the coast. Is it worth a try. Can someone me their personal experiences with a composite propeller?
The boat is a 1900 Caravelle BR 1997, Volvo Penta 3,0 GS, SX Cobra engine. It currently has a field of 21 and only WOT 4200, according to my calculations, I need a 19 "pitch, because every 1" increase in the fall of 200rpm. (WOT board recommended in 4700).
Composite Boat Props Opinions On Composite Props?
3:43 PM
I found the plastic fittings to be similar, the alloy in the direct implementation. The four plastic buckets against the three alloy sheet was an interesting test - the four blader was actually a bit too much influence on the alloy enough to see anyway. A steel spacer is much thinner layers, giving impetus to the performance of least resistance of the paper - at a cost.
A sheet of fifty nodes keep moving in an environment that has at this speed, a resistance equal to cut hard cheese with a butter knife to three knots. If you hold for a while, so it is normal for higher speeds are more difficult to achieve, you can easily get 20 knots, with 20 horses in a small boat, but you get 40 knots from 40 hp to 60 knots to 60 horses on same old, each time doubling the speed quadruples drag your.
So after the race, I think the accessories individually replaceable compound leaves are a good thing, often to water obstacles (rocks, tree stumps, etc..) If you have many sandbars that arless likely EA - roughly the same alloy. For deep water, after the steel is cheaper for the speed, efficiency and longevity.
It depends on your situation.
If the same price as the alloy and a replaceable blade model is a good thing. They are very gentle in the transmission due to the reduced mass.
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