Tinkerbell Tree Topper Is It Weird For A Grown Man To Have A Cartoon Theme Christmas Tree?

Is it weird for a grown man to have a cartoon theme christmas tree? - tinkerbell tree topper

I Simpsons and SpongeBob novelty lights and all my jewels are cartoon characters. I have a Tinkerbell Tree Topper. Is it strange? Should an issue have held more Christmas?


Awesome★... said...

No, okay. My husband and I have a / Disney, Warner Brothers Tree. My sister has two trees - one is from Disney and the other is a peanut tree.

: O)

Anonymous said...

No, I think his time is great.Christmas we let all our inner child go mad.Ive has all the attributes of the Disney characters in my city, like DONT tree.Love it.If then bah a joke them.Have Merry Christmas.

Corvinus said...

Christmas seems to be a happy time when the flies out the window.
(Especially for socio-economic background).

Just go with what you want.

We have a color theme this year is purple and silver.

Smart Kat said...

I think it sounds like a strange kind of cold.

I love when people do things differently than "normal."

Shake things up a little!

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